
Visit to Patisserie Joldo

Our trip to Patisserie Joldo

Last week, I took Abi and Gemma, to visit one of our bakers, Patisserie Joldo.

James and his wife have been running Patisserie Joldo for the last 14 years.  James, a native Frenchman, is bursting with energy, even after a long weekend fitting his new oven (more about that later).  A specialist in artisan baking, James is passionate about breads and cakes especially the recipes of his homeland.

We arrived just after the morning’s bread order had left the bakery.  The disappointment, of not tasting James’ bread, was short lived as Abi spotted thirty trays of fresh scones sat cooling on racks!

Scones in hand we were given a lesson in pastry by James’ to expert bakers.

“These are the bases for our exotic fruit tarts and strawberry tarts”

James enthused in his Franco/Scots accent.

“Sweet pastry filled with an almond paste then topped with fruit, a French classic”

Next on the agenda was James’ new oven.  He could hardly hold back his excitement.

  The oven was huge; the footprint of the baking area was the same size as a double bed!!  It had five separate ovens which all can be heated to different temperatures and each of them has the ability to inject steam into the cooking area.  James explained to Gemma that the steam is used to create the crisp crust found on baguette style breads. It was a fantastic piece of kit, but maybe a bit O.T.T. for the house!!

Much to Gemma’s delight, James finally asked us if we wanted to sample some of his cakes:

The cakes were: (from top to bottom, left to right) Chocolate marquise, Opera cake(a coffee flavoured slice), vanilla and strawberry gateaux, vanilla cheesecake, blackberry cheesecake, raspberry and almond tart, chocolate and walnut brownie, raspberry cheesecake, lemon tart, pear and almond tart and a passion fruit cheesecake.

After this lot we were stuffed. I would like to state for the record that we did not try everything. Almost everything, but not everything!  But then went through the back and brought out……..

Clockwise from top right: Toffee gateaux, caramel gateaux, lemon drizzle cake, chocolate fudge cake, a classic apple tart and a classic Genoese sponge.

Gemma, Abi and I would like to thank James for showing us his bakery and being a fantastic host. All of his cakes were fabulous and full of flavour. James was such a good host that we now are all on a very strict diet and exercise routine!!!

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