
Whitmuir Farm, Tamworth pork chops with kholrabi slaw

I couldn’t leave Whitmuir Farm (see last post) empty handed.  I spotted two beautiful pork chops on the counter and was drawn to them.  A perfect, quick lunch was on my mind.
My first thought with pork is always apples and I had seen some cracking looking King’s Acre Pippins earlier on in the day.  They are a good late season variety with a strong flavour.

To find an accompaniment for the apples and the pork I wandered back through to the fruit and vegetable section and immediately saw some wonderful kohlrabi.  Kholrabi, sometimes known as Italian turnip, is actually a member of the cabbage family.  It has a crisp, juicy flesh with a flavour that is sweet with a hint of pepper, reminiscent of a mild radish or cabbage heart.

With that I paid my money and went home to try my dish:

Tamworth pork chop with smoked paprika and apple kholrabi slaw

2 pork chops
1 large apple
1 Kholrabi
2 tsp smoked paprika
2 gherkins
A few chives
3 sprigs of oregano or sage
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tblsp rape seed oil
2 tblsp natural yogurt
Rub each pork chop with a tsp of smoked paprika then place a non-stick pan onto a medium to high heat.  Place the pork chops fat side down and leave for two minutes.  Once the fat has browned turn the heat down to a low to medium heat and flip the chops down onto their flat sides.
Fry the pork chops for 8-12 minutes turning every 1- 2 minutes until the internal temperature reaches 54 degrees C. Turn off the heat and leave the chops in the pan to continue cooking. Pork of this quality can be served medium if you like.

While the pork is cooking, peel the kohlrabi then grate or chop that apple, gherkin and kholrabi into matchstick sized pieces.
Chop the chives and oregano finely and put them into a bowl along with the apple, gherkin and kohlrabi.  Pour in the yogurt, rape seed oil and white wine vinegar then season well with salt.
Mix everything together until well combined.

Serve the pork chops on top of the slaw.

The pork was melt in the mouth with loads of flavour.  The apple and kholrai slaw was the perfect foil of the spicy, rich pork.....yum!

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