
Fisher and Donaldson Bakery

An institution in Fife, Fisher and Donaldson have been serving cakes, chocolates and bread for four generations. Still owned and run by the Milne family, they have seven shops in Cupar, St Andrews and Dundee.  I can never resist this traditional Scottish bakery and always drop in for a pie, cake or loaf of bread, when passing one of their shops.

Sometimes these traditional cakes are looked upon by foodies with a touch of snobbery.  Favouring the latest offering from continental bakers:  macaroons,  madelaines,  financiers etc.  But, I think we should celebrate all of these cakes that are part of our chldhood,  yum yums,  straberry tarts, fudge doghnuts, Dundee cake, ginger bread.

They also have a front of house chocolatier in cupar, who you can watch make these wonderful chocolates.

In the end I went for a lamb and mint pie.  I know, I know!  But it was so tasty.

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